Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog

About me

My name is Thomas Widmann. I was born in 1972 in Denmark as a German citizen, I lived in Scotland as a Danish citizen for 17 years, and I’m now living in Denmark as a New Scot.

I’m married to a beautiful Scottish woman called Phyllis Buchanan (see the photo on the right), and we have two wonderful daughters together, Anna and Amaia Buchanan-Widmann. The family also consists of Marcel, Charlotte and Léon – Charlotte remained in Scotland and Marcel has moved to London, but Léon is now at a Danish school like his wee sisters.

I hold an MA degree from Aarhus University in linguistics with Japanese and computer science with maths, and I also studied Georgian for a year at Tbilisi University.

In 2002 I got a job at Collins Dictionaries in Glasgow, which is where I met Phyllis.

In 2009 Phyllis and I set up a company together. It’s called Complexli and it offered computional, lexicographic and linguistic consultancy services.

In 2019 I moved to Funen to work as a senior consultant for the Danish Language Board.

As should be clear from this blog, I’m very interested in politics. I’m socially and economically liberal, I’m strongly pro-EU, and I support Scottish independence.

3 thoughts on “About me

  • niels hee andersen

    Was checking for international tartans to wear, if any, and found the newly registred Danish Tartan, commemorating the birth of Prince Christian.
    So like you I too celebrate the thought of possibly wearing a kilt that I would be entitled to!!
    I always considered Princess Mary as a Scot rather than Aussi.
    Congratulations on your teaming up with a Scot, as they are as prudent and charming as they are durable and tough. I should know, I spend some time in Dundee studying.
    Haaber ikke I savner Danmark for meget
    Med Venlig Hilsen
    Niels Hee Andersen

  • Its interesting that you support Scottish independence AND you are strongly pro-EU. In broad terms, the EU stands for (loose or tight) integration of European nations, implying the blaring of the (physical or conceptual) nations in Europe. Support Scottish independence means that you are a nationalist, which would seem to loose relevance and cause in the context of EU integration. How do you reconcile the two in you?

    I really like your website. I passed through here to take a look at how you created your business cards using LaTeX. I am not yet an expert in LaTeX but I would like to move away from WYSWYG wordprocessors to LaTeX for everything including presentations, letters, tech reports and you-name-it.

    The variety of topics covered by your blog is breath-taking!

  • Sara Keir

    Hello Thomas. Stumbled across your blogg as I have just been offered a job in London and I am trying to find out what to do regarding unemployment insurance. I am Danish/Scottish, my Dad is from Dundee but now lives in Copenhagen. Thanks for all the insight on working in the UK and differences in terms of redundancies etc. Very useful info indeed. Still trying to find the equivelent of an A-Kasse. Enjoy Scotland


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