Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog

10 thoughts on “Selling my fridge

  • Tried to sell some paintings on ebay once – no one was interested -later realized there were 40 000 other paintings on that week – so I guess no one actually found them!

  • Yeah, I wonder how many Glaswegians will actually see my ad (given that I require that the buyer pick it up themselves).

  • Held og lykke med salget.
    Phyl, was it something you’ve made yourself?

  • 0 bids so far – I guess I should have set a lower starting price…

  • Did you try selling it on the intranet in the office – sometimes the less nerdy option works better! 😉

  • Now there’s an idea – I hadn’t thought of that at all! 🙁

  • Hvad med et opslag i supermarkedet?

  • It didn’t sell the first time, but I’ve now relisted it, lowering the starting price to 35 quid.


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