Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


A challenge

The Ten Cheeseburger Challenge
Originally uploaded by Maffyew.

Phyllis has just set me a challenge: I’m to blog something interesting in ten different languages, not including English, Danish and German, over the next ten days, as a punishment for pointing out that her knowledge of basic kanji is somewhat limited.

It’s obviously fairly easy to blog in Spanish, Esperanto, Nynorsk and so on, but if I am to reach ten, I guess I have to use most of Georgian, Japanese, Basque, Russian, Czech, Latin, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, French, Portuguese, Gaelic or some of the weirder languages I’m supposed to have some knowledge of.

4 thoughts on “A challenge

  • Sebastian

    Hmm, hvad med oldnordisk, nordamerikanske indianersprog, maskinkode, C++, Pascal og andre af den slags? Og forhåbentlig leverer du en oversættelse, så vi andre kan fatte, hvad du har skrevet.

  • Jeg kan da ikke skrive indlæg på oldnordisk, indianersprog eller programmeringssprog. M.h.t. at kunne læse dem, så er du da lingvist! 😉

  • And copying a stanza from your nerdiest tome (Hamlet in the original Klingon – for those who haven’t looked on his bookshelf) doesn’t count, ok?

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