Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


An English-Zarkakulli dictionary

(Update: The latest version now resides here).

After a thorough phonological analysis of the existing Zarkakulli texts, I today wrote a Perl program to restore the basic vocabulary:

all adj ganka
alternative noun kull
animal noun görn
ashes noun bif
back noun denk
bad adj wanka
bark noun zörn
belly noun wunk
big adj smöflö
bird noun barn
bite verb ban
black adj wirki
blood noun smir
blow verb döj
bone noun smank
breast noun bef
breathe verb smen
burn noun smef
child noun burn
cloud noun er
cold adj garka
come verb zun
correct adj zirki
count verb kej
cut verb smej
day noun guf
die verb win
dig verb gen
dirty adj kirki
dog noun bir
drink verb wej
dry adj zerje
dull adj gamfla
dust noun gönk
ear noun wern
earth noun gink
eat verb wan
egg noun smur
eight adj wöllö
extra adj emfle
eye noun zank
fall verb waj
far adj dullu
fat noun wöll
father noun gall
fear verb wöj
feather noun ar
few adj demfle
fight verb den
fingernail noun enk
fire noun göll
fish noun ger
five adj wörjö
float verb smin
flow verb uj
flower noun smern
fly verb dun
fog noun zill
foot noun dar
forest noun zell
four adj smörnö
freeze noun kurn
fruit noun zöf
full adj gurju
give verb bön
good adj zinki
grass noun kunk
green adj zurnu
guts noun smer
hair noun uf
hand noun warn
happiness noun smör
happy adj zarka
he pron da
head noun smörn
hear verb zön
heart noun girn
heavy adj bumflu
hit verb sman
hold verb wuj
horn noun gef
human being noun wur
hunt verb ben
husband noun smenk
I pron we
ice noun zef
kill verb an
knee noun small
know verb wun
lake noun buf
laugh verb göj
leaf noun dör
left adj smurju
leg noun öll
lie verb duj
live verb zuj
liver noun dell
long adj dimfli
louse noun gar
man (adult male) noun will
many adj kunku
meat noun ank
moon noun gunk
mother noun karn
mountain noun zirn
mouth noun dörn
name noun darn
narrow adj görkö
near adj garna
neck noun kell
new adj durku
night noun gern
nine adj wullu
nose noun ker
not neg waffli
old adj gönkö
one adj bamfla
other adj könkö
play verb kaj
pull verb wen
push verb guj
rain noun kink
red adj örjö
right adj durju
river noun ef
road noun if
root noun dönk
rope noun irn
rotten adj ginki
round adj burku
rub verb öj
salt noun wef
sand noun zarn
say verb ej
scratch verb dön
sea noun kank
see verb in
seed noun dill
seven adj gerje
sew verb dej
sharp adj dirki
short adj zemfle
sing verb aj
sit verb baj
six adj berke
skin noun bunk
sky noun wör
sleep verb gin
small adj zömflö
smell verb bin
smoke noun zer
smooth adj örkö
snake noun zur
snow noun ball
some adj anka
spit verb zin
split verb wön
squeeze verb zan
stab verb zen
stand verb gaj
star noun ern
stick noun kenk
stone noun kif
straight adj dömflö
suck verb buj
sun noun kaf
swell verb smuj
swim verb köj
tail noun dall
ten adj börjö
they pron ke
thick adj görjö
thin adj smerke
think verb zaj
three adj sminki
throw verb bej
tie verb kin
time noun dunk
tongue noun gör
tooth noun af
tree noun ill
turn verb gej
two adj smarja
vomit verb smaj
walk verb daj
warm adj darna
wash verb zöj
waste verb smöj
water noun önk
we pron
wet adj smimfli
what pron waf
white adj wumflu
who pron smunk
wide adj köflö
wife noun smuf
wind noun gir
wing noun war
wipe verb dan
with prep -an
woman noun döll
worm noun wenk
year noun birn
yellow adj garja
you (plural) pron wu
you (singular) pron wi

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