Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


DSLR again

Sony’s new A100 has now been released – I saw it for the first time in a shop window this morning. It’s a bit larger than I had imagined – it looks more like a tool than a toy, I’d say. The price on Sony’s website is £599 without a lens and £699 with. However, Ballicom House (which I found on Froogle) sells it for £433 without – quite a difference! I do think the site looks a tiny bit dodgy though… The second-best price is at PC Development which sells it at £481.16. The cheapest price from a photography shop seems to be £510.17 at cameras2u. It’s not in stock anywhere yet, though, so I think I’ll just keep calm for a few weeks and see what happens.

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