Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Habermas’ Birthday

This morning, I was trying to find a recipe for American breakfast pancakes amongst my notes. I didn’t succeed, but instead I found the recipe for a cocktail I once invented. I clearly remember it. It was a party at the Oriental Department (Østasiatisk Institut), i.e., most of the people there were students of Japanese or Chinese, and I somehow ended up behind the bar. There was a bottle of Pepino Secco that we were trying to find a use for, and I invented this drink that everybody seemed to like, although nobody liked the Pepino on its own. I called it “Habermas’ Birthday” – obviously, it was invented on his birthday, but why I knew this to be the case, I don’t remember, but I studied “Humanistisk Videnskabsteori” together with people from this department, so we might have been reading Habermas earlier in the day, I presume. Anyway, I guess everybody is by now anxious to get the recipe, so here it is:

For one glass of Habermas’ Birthday:

  • 2 cl vodka
  • 2 cl Pepino Secco
  • 1 cm [sic!] Sprite
  • 2 icecubes
  • 1 slice of lemon

Mix the ingredients well and serve.

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