Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog



Something that is common to Scotland and Denmark is a love for sarcasm/irony (I always get these terms mixed up, possibly because so many other people are mixing them up – what I mean is saying the opposite of what is meant, without any explicit clues that this is the case). I know that Austrians do it, too, but I’ve also noticed that people from East Germany, the USA and Japan (and France according to Phyllis) don’t have a clue. I tried to find something about this on Google, but to no avail. Surely somebody must have made a world map of sarcasm?

One thought on “Sarcasm/irony

  • Sebastian

    Ironi er “bare” at sige det modsatte; sarkasme er at sige det modsatte; men på en “ond måde”, ironi er – for mig at se – en positiv/glad sigen-det-modsatte.


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