Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Selling books on Amazon

Old stuff – garage sale
Originally uploaded by macinate

I own far too many books, so as an experiment, I decided to try and sell a few on Amazon to see whether it’s worth my while.

I put six books up for sale – fiction and non-fiction, hardbacks and paperbacks – a couple of weeks ago, but although I agreed to sell them at very low prices, I didn’t sell the first one till three days ago.

It was a paperback, and the price was £1.69.

However, that’s only vaguely related to what Amazon are paying me:

Buyer’s Price: £1.69
Shipping: £2.75
Amazon Fees: £-1.64
Your Earnings: £2.80
Envelope: £-0.33
Postage: £-1.04
Grand Profit: £1.43

Note how Amazon’s fee is almost exactly the exactly the selling price, so my profit is basically the difference between the fixed shipping fee and the actual cost.

Given that it must have taken me at least ten minutes to list the book on Amazon, print out the receipt, wrap the book and go to the post office, there really are better ways to make money.

So how do I get rid of a thousand books more easily and/or profitably?

5 thoughts on “Selling books on Amazon

  • More easily I know .,.,that’s called a bonfire ! Sacrilege I know but it beats carrying them all up to the loft ?
    Profitably .,.,., Mmmmmmmmmmm maybe a car boot sale or maybe a back garden sale in the summer with perhaps some free BBQ stuff on the go to attract the punters to view ????

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  • Sell them to a second hand dealer as a lot, or one of the bulk book buyers.
    You won’t make much, but better than burning!
    Good luck

  • You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it


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