Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Sold the fridge!

I finally sold my fridge on eBay. I got £35 for it, somewhat less than I had hoped, but it’s still real money! The guy who bought it will pick it up tomorrow. It’ll be nice to get some more space in my flat!

16 thoughts on “Sold the fridge!

  • did he turn up for it then???

  • Yes, and he even paid 39 quid instead of 35! 🙂

  • What! Can’t those people up there not count? Or did he feel pitty for you?

  • He only had forty quid, and I didn’t have a fiver. :-/ BTW, what do you mean by up? I’m on exactly the same latitude as Horsens.

  • wow £4, you’re rich! coffee and cake in ikea on you? 😉

  • Oh, up, I just thought it was more north than we, but it can’t be much, then, a couple of kilometers 😉

  • Deal, Phyllis! 😉 Sebastian, I’m on 55.87 – where are you?

  • At least it’ll be less scary for you than last time we had cake and coffee in ikea!

  • Please remind me – why was that scary?

  • I was 8.5 mths pregnant and had asked you to take me to hospital if I went into labour during the coffee, remember? As it was, Pudge was born 6 days later.

  • Oh, that time! I don’t remember being scared, though. 🙂

  • But who was most scared? You or Thomas????

    Anyhow, I haven’t checked my location on earth, do you mind doing it, Thomas?

  • Well, neither of us apparently – I had done it before, so was quite blasé and Thomas claims he wasn’t scared, so maybe it was quite a relaxed occasion after all!

  • Perhaps I was slightly worried, but that was because I was wondering how I was supposed to get you to the hospital without a driving licence, and how I was supposed to contact your family.

  • Glad it was just that rather than the thought of having to put up with me naked, bloody and screaming in agony 😉

  • No, why should that have scared me?


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