Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Eating ammonium

Originally uploaded by jurvetson

I’m currently baking a cake (lagkage) for Lรฉon’s 4th birthday tomorrow, and given that I’m using a Danish recipe, it’s calling for hjortetakssalt to be used as the raising agent.

I’ve never seen that for sale here, so I bought some last time I was in Denmark.

I checked the bag to see what’s in it, and it turns out simply to be another name for ammonium bicarbonate.

That reminded me of the first time I brought a bag of Danish salt liquorice back to Collins, and people appeared shocked that we would happily eat something flavoured with ammonium chloride.

Is ammonium just an indispensable part of Danish culinary culture?

3 thoughts on “Eating ammonium

  • Not sure it was the ammonium that upset the hcpers as much as the taste of salty liquorice… or perhaps some found the name ‘spunk’ somewhat off-putting ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • I’m holding back on eating any of it ’til I see if Pudge’s teeth drop out ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Daphne used to bring Dutch dubbelzout drop to Collins – man, was that stuff ever vile!


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