Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Europæisk Melodi-Grandprix!

Så er det i aften, det er tid til den årlige gang popmusik. Jeg har ikke hørt nogen af numrene på forhånd, men det er vel den sædvanlige blanding. Det bliver spændende at se, om vinderen igen skal findes i den østlige halvdel af Europa, eller om et land som fx Irland for første gang i mange år vinder igen.

12 thoughts on “Europæisk Melodi-Grandprix!

  • Hej
    Ja Mette siger, at der var semifinale i går . Og finnnerne var klædt anderledes ud. Den tyrkisk inspirerede rytme har tilsyneladende spredt sig nordover i år.
    Men lad os se, hvad det bliver til i aften.

  • nobody will ever beat ABBA tho, don’t you think Thomas? 😉

  • Personally, I like ABBA’s Dancing Queen much better than Waterloo, and they won the ESC with the latter, didn’t they?

  • yeah. Funny, being a 60s baby I was heavily into ABBA in the 70s, but it took me till the age of 37 to realize Dancing Queen was their greatest masterpiece!

  • Sometimes a certain situation might merge in your mind with the music you listened to while it happened so that you suddenly see the music in a totally new light.

  • You should have been a psychologist!

  • how do you get the cute baby photo beside your comments, btw?

  • I set it up on my Blogger profile.

  • Knew you were more intelligent than me – just spent half an hour trying, unsuccessfully, to upload a photo to my blogger profile 🙁 I give up – maybe tomorrow.

  • I just pasted in the link to the photo on Flickr. I can show you one day. And I don’t think it’s proof of intelligence! 😉

  • just trying…you’re a genius! thanks! xxx


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