Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog



Flour for 7
Originally uploaded by PhylB

One of the good things about having a large family (there’s seven of us two thirds of the time) is that you can sometimes buy products in quantities that average families can only dream about.

For instance, I recently noticed that Shipton Mill had some really interesting types of flour for sale (e.g., Khorason and Swiss flour). Normal consumers might find the £5 shipping charge too high for a couple of bags of flour, though.

However, delivery is free if you order 24 kg or more, and we can eat our way through that amount in just a couple of months, so that was £5 saved. 🙂

It seems to be an extremely efficient web shop, by the way – I had 26 kg of flour delivered exactly 25 hours after ordering it.

2 thoughts on “Flour

  • Uhm, det ser dejligt ud – og så kan I jo også bage rugbrød, kan jeg se ,-)

    Maler de på sten- eller stålkværn? Sten-malet mel er afgjort det lækreste. Herhjemme får vi hvede og rug fra Søris – noget mørkere hvedemel end det traditionelle.

  • Nogle enkelte af deres meltyper er malet på sten, men de fleste er vist ikke.
    Og rugbrødet er bare fra en dansk pose rugbrødsmix – det er lidt nemmere! 🙂


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