Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Georgian wine in Latvia

In Britain and Denmark, it’s almost impossible to get hold of Georgian wine. Compare this with the situation in any Latvian supermarket – see for instance the photo on the left (Gruzija is Latvian for ‘Georgia’).

What surprised me even more was that they also sold cheap Bulgarian copies of Georgian wines – see the photo on the right (you might need to click on it to see a larger version).

Needless to say, I brought several bottles back to Glasgow. Strangely enough, however, Phyllis doesn’t quite seem to share my love for kindzmarauli… We gave her parents a bottle, though, so it will be interesting to see their reactions!

3 thoughts on “Georgian wine in Latvia

  • I assumed that sth costing as much as £7 in Latvia would be exquisite – bloody hell you have funny taste buds – it tastes like vile, liquidy sherry gone off – yeuch :-\

  • Sebastian

    De ligner Takayi, de ungarske dessertvine, uhm – de er bare for svære og for dyre at få fat på herhjemme ;(

  • Det er ikke dessertvine, men bordvine (selvom de er ret søde).
    And I admit they might be an acquired taste. 😉


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