Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


I am a man and I'm wearing a hat

My old friend Kakha from Georgia was visiting us last week, and at one point I asked him whether Rabbie Burns was well-kent in Georgia.

“Absolutely, we love the song about the man and his hat,” replied Kakha.

“The man and his hat?!?”

“Yes, you know: კაცი ვარ და ქუდი მხურავს (‘I am a man and I’m wearing a hat’),” said Kakha. He started to sing: “კაცი ვარ და ქუდი მხურავს //ქედს არ ვუხრი არავის. // არც არავის ვემონები //არც ვბატონობ არავის.”

I managed to find a YouTube clip of Georgians singing this:

At first I couldn’t find any poem by Burns that matched the lyrics, but the line “არც ვბატონობ არავის” (“and I don’t rule over nobody”) gave me a clue. It must be “I hae a wife o’ my ain“:

I Hae a wife of my ain,
I’ll partake wi’ naebody;
I’ll take Cuckold frae nane,
I’ll gie Cuckold to naebody.

I hae a penny to spend,
There — thanks to naebody!
I hae naething to lend,
I'll borrow frae naebody.

I am naebody’s lord,
I’ll be slave to naebody;
I hae a gude braid sword,
I’ll tak dunts frae naebody.

I’ll be merry and free,
I’ll be sad for naebody;
Naebody cares for me,
I care for naebody.

Georgians love this song — they feel it describes them. It’ll never cease to amaze me how Burns was able to write songs that reach out to people from all countries at all times.

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