If you don’t move, you sink!
I’ve blogged about the LibDem nonsense before.
Now, however, they’ve done it all over again in Wales!
This is ridiculous! If they want to work only with Labour, why don’t they join Labour?
I think the problem might be that the LibDems are torn between a faction that will only work with Labour (former SDP members?) and other members that will exploit the possibilities of coalition politics.
However, it won’t do that a party is so torn between two factions that it can’t manoeuver, or it effectively becomes a lame duck.
If there are members that refuse to vote against Labour in order to gain power, they should be named and shamed and thrown out of the party. Trying to keep everybody happy will just lead to the eventual demise of the party.
Jeg synes det er pudsigt, at du kan blogge om LibDems tætte tilknytning til Labour i UK og om Ny Alliance i Danmark, uden at forbinde de to. Ny Alliance er jo sandsynligvis opstået fordi De Radikale er begyndt at løbe væk fra magten, når det ikke er Socialdemokraterne, der har den. Men som du sagde i din mail om Ny Alliance: Du er ikke aktiv i dansk politik længere.
Søren Harder
Hmmm, interessant, den parallel havde jeg faktisk ikke set! Jeg vil tro, der er noget om det, selvom det naturligvis er specielt for Danmark med Dansk Folkepartis rolle. Jeg tror, et fyldigt svar vil kræve en blogposting i sig selv.