Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Server move

Server Rack
Originally uploaded by Jamison_Judd

I got this from Prime Hosting (the company that is hosting this blog) today:

This Thursday, 26th February 2009, we are moving our servers from London to Manchester. Since December 2008 our parent company has been building their own data centre based in Stretford, Manchester, the building is now ready for live servers.

All servers (web hosting, dedicated servers, co-location etc) will be taken offline from 10.30PM Thursday. We anticipate the physical move will last between 6-7 hours from turn off in London to turn on in Manchester. We have hired a van in order to move the servers in one drive, the drive from London to Manchester, traffic and road works pending, will take no longer than four hours.

Our windows services will be moved at a different time yet to be decided so are unaffected on Thursday and will remain online.

For detailed information on the data centre, including build progress pictures, please visit

Summary points:

  • Funded with the companies own cash and angel investor – No debt
  • 20G redundant connectivity back to London
  • Capable of holding 145 racks, initial phase is 29 racks
  • On site offices available for rent on the first floor
  • 24/7 on site security and support staff
  • Cold-aisle containment ensures the building is very efficient and uses less power for air conditioning than traditionally built data centres
  • Newly built detached office building
  • Professionally designed and fitted out by data centre builders

The construction of our own facility is a watershed moment for all those involved in the company. It provides us with a very secure facility to house our existing clients and huge expansion space for new services. The inclusion of on site staff will also enhance our support capabilities.

4 thoughts on “Server move

  • Harry Campbell

    There’s something about “We have hired a van” that just doesn’t inspire confidence, isn’t there?? Almost as if they’d added “and my mate John is going to come and help if he can get the time off work”…

  • Yes, I know exactly what you mean. They’ve suddenly gone from being a company of unknown size, but potentially huge, to revealing that they’re a small, part-time company.

  • Don’t worry – it’ll all go smoothly… I hear John wife Alice has prepared a flask of tea and wrapped some sarnies in tinfoil for the drive 😉


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