Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


The price of DIY

Why is DIY so bloody expensive? Yesterday, I went to B&Q and Ikea, and I didn’t buy anything big or fancy – just covings, skirtings, saw blades, paint rollers, a chair, some shelves, some floor underlay and a box of tiles – and it cost me more than £200!

Fortunately, Phyllis gave me a lift, or I would have had to go several times to get it all home… Thanks!

11 thoughts on “The price of DIY

  • That’s just the ikea thing you experienced there. Some parents at the school/kindergarden told us: It costs you kr 1500 whenever we go to ikea, whatever we planned to buy. Og we laughed when we should go there to just be some bits. It ended up kr. 1506! OK we bought a lot in the end, so it was resonable enough. But we thought before, that we just would have to shop for about half the mony ;_)

  • No, no, no – Ikea either costs £600 (minimum) per visit or £12, depending on whether you buy furniture or just meatballs, chips, coffee and wine 😉

  • No, no, no – meatballs are supposed to be eaten with boiled potatos, not chips! It drives me mad to see people having chips in Ikea!

  • Phyllis I think you should ccome by and eat some real meatballs – frikadeller – and experience why they should be eaten with just boiled potatoes – or maybe persillesovs! And stegt flæsk with “salad”!! It sounds strange, but it is really nice.

  • You don’t have to convince me – I prefer potatoes to chips! You need to convince my kids!

  • Oh. The smaller of mine just wants some sauce to go with the white potatoes, then they are just fine. But come for some days in the summer, and I’ll make you some frikadeller med kartofler og jordbær med fløde til dessert ,-)

  • You actually get very good strawberries in Scotland. And Ikea’s meatballs are OK, but of course they’re Swedish kötbullar, not Danish frikadeller. They do give you a choice between boiled potatoes and chips (= pommes frites in Danish), but I’m sure 95% go for the chips.

  • 99.9% 😉 It’s in Govan 😉 (near as dammit)

  • But people come all the way from Ireland to go to Ikea, and I believe they sometimes eat boiled potatoes over there.

  • When I worked in the Jeweller’s as a student we used to get busloads from Iceland in the run up to Xmas – is gold dear in Iceland?

  • Could be, don’t know. Most things are expensive in Iceland, I believe. And it’s probably easy to bring back gold than furniture from Ikea on a flight. 🙂


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