Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog



Twitter shirt
Originally uploaded by niallkennedy

I only found out about Twitter yesterday, but I’m already quite fond of it.

It’s basically a microblogging service that allows you to tell your friends what you’re doing or thinking.

What I like about it is that I can twitter not only from a browser, but also from my mobile phone, and from the command line using Net::Twitter in Perl. It’s also nice that I can display my most recent twitterings on my blog (see the top of the right-hand column).

Now I just need my friends to start to twitter, too.

3 thoughts on “Twitter

  • Excuse me for mentioning this:

    Your blog often contains interesting comments on current affairs in UK politics.

    I went in to see whether there was a insightful comment on the problems Labour has had in the local elections and what do I find:

    “Leon just told me he needed to poo outside.” !!


  • Hmmm, are you saying I should split my blogs (and twitter) into two or more parts?

  • No I was just putting on my indignant air. It’s not much fun having an air if you don’t air it 🙂


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