Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


When Harry and Sally made a porno

Phyllis and I have watched two movies in the past week (you can tell the telly-watcher-in-residence, a.k.a. Marcel, is away :-)!).

The first one was When Harry Met Sally, which is probably by now a classic. It’s basically about a man and a woman who are best friends and then fall in love and about how hard the transition from friends to lovers is.

Last night we then watched Zach and Miri Make a Porno, which I had been expecting to be something along the lines of Torremolinos 73, i.e., a comedy about a couple making a porn movie to get our of a financial black hole.

However, it turned out to be much more similar to When Harry Met Sally: Again, the real story is about how a man and a woman cope with the transition from best friends to lovers.

I guess Phyllis and I find such movies more interesting than many, simply because that’s a transition we’ve made ourselves.

By the way, all three movies are good fun, and I’d recommend them all.

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