Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Dishwasher not fixed

The dishwasher repairman just left. Alas, he couldn’t fix it – he
said it was the control chip which needs to be replaced, so another
DWRM will be round next week to do that.

9 thoughts on “Dishwasher not fixed

  • Åh din stakkel.
    Hjælpeløs manglende opvaksemaskine, nåh, lille pus. Du ER nødt til at få dig en sød lille kone, der kan vaske op for dig 😉
    Eller evt en spand og en børste?? Det er nok hurtigere at skaffe -)

  • Absolutely! And a brilliant one too! 🙂

  • Please spell out, or I have to guess, and that’s not my best in English shortenings (I guess, Thomas knows, what I mean ,-))

  • Abbreviations, you mean. 🙂

    Oh, and ORW must mean Oven Repair Woman.

  • Or maybe we could come up with a whole list of abbreviations ORW could stand for – that’d be fun!

  • According to Google, it’s an Off-Road Warehouse, but I don’t think that describes you very well… 😉

  • I know I put on weight when I was pregnant last year but I think I’m thin enough now not to be mistaken for a storage facility, well hopefully!?


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