Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Dubai Metro

Metro Station
Originally uploaded by nolifebeforecoffee

I saw an ad in The Economist selling the names of metro stations in the new metro in Dubai.

That’s a wonderful idea, isn’t it? Why give metro stations meaningful names like Cowcaddens and Kelvinbridge when they could be Irn-Bru Station and Bank of Scotland Station, bringing in money for the city council?

But why stop there? Why not bring in more money by changing the name of Glasgow to Coca-Cola City?

And just imagine how much money Bill Gates would pay to rename the United Kingdom Microsoftland.

One thought on “Dubai Metro

  • Hmm. Mon ikke det var mere oplagt at lade Danmark skifte navn til MS-land? Der har de alligevel alt for stort fodfæste – men det kunne selvf være argument for at skifte til Tux-land i stedet 😉

    Men det var da ellers en smart ide – den duer vist bare ikke herhjemme.
    Husker endnu, at der IKKE blev nogen Brask Thomsen gade, selvom Kbh kommune kunne have fået 1 million kr. eller så.


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