Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Happy birthday to me!

It’s my 35th birthday today! I got some really cool presents, including a new blender, a pasta machine with motor and two ties, but the best bit was that Marcel and Charlotte baked me a beautiful birthday cake!

2 thoughts on “Happy birthday to me!

  • Hi! Happy Birthday. Lovely kids and a really cool birthday cake. Wishing you loads of luck and happiness.
    Peep into my blog on birthday e- cards for some beautiful e-greeting cards and other interesting info.

  • Sebastian

    Hej Thomas
    Til lykke, til lykke.
    Sikke en fin kage, smagte den ligeså godt??
    Jo søde børn; men ser Charlotte ikke lidt mellemfornøjet ud? Troede hun, at du ville spise hele kagen uden hende?


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