Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Madness for longer

Standard Measure
Originally uploaded by mrwalker

And so it came to pass that the EU decided to allow the UK to retain the pint and the mile.


Pupils in British schools have been learning metric exclusively for decades, so anybody younger than at least 40 have never learnt how to do calculation with imperial measures. That is, the situation is not at all comparable to the US where metric isn’t used anywhere.

I really think life would be much easier if the UK government would just bite the bullet and go fully metric so that kids could use the same system within and outwith school.

But will it happen now that the politicians can’t blame the EU for making them do the right thing?

2 thoughts on “Madness for longer

  • Scudder

    Sounded a bit Like a “Child of the Manse” talking there ,, and so it came to pass ….. !!
    But like I said on another blog very recently ,, A RESULT . YO ! ,,,
    Now let’s get rid of all this metric nonsense, once and for all 🙂 It was always foreign madness to me !!

  • Pingback: Metrification now! : The Widmann Blog

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