Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Page 123

Sebastian is participating in a blogging meme with the following rules:

  1. Pick up the nearest book.
  2. Open to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the next three sentences.
  5. Tag five people and post a comment here once you post it to your blog so I can come see!

I’ve tried to track it back by following links from Sebastian’s blog, but the oldest one I can find (without using Google or similar) is this one from 2nd March, and that’s not the original one.

Anyway, I think it allows me to play it, too, although I haven’t been tagged. 🙂

My nearest book is The Blair Years:

TB had been working on the devolution argument and he said he was adamant he was going to make clear his view there should be no tax rise, there should certainly be a referendum and it should be made clear that Westminster was the ultimate constitutional authority – power devolved is power retained. George Robertson’s reaction was not dissimilar to Donald [Dewar]’s, that yet again TB was provoking unnecessary fights, though when you got onto the substance of the arguments, they were not far apart. TB said he could only promise what he intended to deliver, and this was the best way to do it.

Who should I tag? Of course Phyllis and Dougie, and perhaps Mailund, Wegge and Rasmus.

2 thoughts on “Page 123

  • Jamen altsÃ¥ – jeg undersøgte jo ikke tingene sÃ¥ grundigt som du; sÃ¥ skal vi ikke sige, at du blev pseudo-tagget – og sÃ¥ mÃ¥ du ogsÃ¥ gerne skrive i min kommentar, at du har postet 😉

  • You know, if you tag me, you should let me know! Luckily, I noticed traffic coming through this URL.

    Are you swinging by the Old Country any time soon, btw?


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