Those strange Finns

There’s an article in Videnskab (in Danish) about some researchers who’ve made a genetic map of Europe.
It shows that Finns very much are the odd man out, but the Italians and to a certain extent the English also display some differences.
Unfortunately, they haven’t sampled any Scots. And I wonder where Anna would show up, with her mixture of Scottish, Danish and South German genes – would she look Dutch? 😉
Given that Finnish is a non-Indoeuropean language, I’m not overly surprised that they’re genetically different, but given that their language is related to Hungarian, it’s a bit more surprising that the latter seem to fit right in – did they mix more with the previous population?
Genetics supports the ethnocentricism of Hungarian historical linguists:
As you are already aware, the Hungarians have argued that they impossibly could have any relation to the Finns, linguistically or otherwise, as the Finns are just a bunch of fish-eaters.