Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


What others are saying

my notes taken…
Originally uploaded by arimoore

You might have noticed that I’ve added a new feature in the top right corner of my blog: What others are saying.

It’s using the homonymous WordPress extension, but I had to make a couple of modifications.

First of all, I wanted the most recent postings, whatever their source, not just one per blog, so I needed to comment out a break, but this was easy as it was already explained in the source code (but I think it should have been an option so that you wouldn’t have to mess around with the source code).

Secondly, for some bizarre reason it would at first only read the feeds for Phyllis and Dougie’s blogs, not for any other sites. I spent several hours last night trying to find the bug, but to no avail.

Today I found a solution: It turns out the RSS reader module included with WordPress is out of date, but one can get an updated version out of the FeedWordPress extension.

Thirdly, I needed to add some code to downcase Phyllis’s feed to make it match the rest.

Now I just need to convince John Wells to fix his feed. 🙂

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