Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Yes Scotland

The campaign to make Scotland an independent country again was finally launched today.

It’s called Yes Scotland, and the event took place in a cinema in Edinburgh.

Here is a link to a complete recording of the launch (I haven’t been able to find an embeddable version — please do let me know if you find one).

At the same time, Yes Scotland‘s website went live. It’s a very interactive website, based on the famous NationBuilder platform.

For now, the main thing to do is to sign the following declaration:

I believe that it is fundamentally better for us all, if decisions about Scotland’s future are taken by the people who care most about Scotland, that is, by the people of Scotland.

Being independent means Scotland’s future will be in Scotland’s hands.

There is no doubt that Scotland has great potential. We are blessed with talent, resources and creativity. We have the opportunity to make our nation a better place to live, for this and future generations. We can build a greener, fairer and more prosperous society that is stronger and more successful than it is today.

I want a Scotland that speaks with her own voice and makes her own unique contribution to the world: a Scotland that stands alongside the other nations on these isles, as an independent nation.

Just follow this link and sign it!

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