Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Baked, our binary baby

Originally uploaded by viralbus

Baked (real name to be announced soon) finally turned up today, at 9.12am.

Weighing slightly more than 4300g (9 pounds 10) (length still unknown), she’s a big baby, but a tiny bit smaller than they predicted.

The birth was fairly quick – Phyllis woke up with contractions at 4am, and we went into hospital around 6.30am.

Everything went fine, though, and mother and daughter are now resting in Queen Mum.

4 thoughts on “Baked, our binary baby

  • FLOT!

    Og I fandt frem, det lød jo som noget af en opgave med flytning af fødested og alt muligt.

    God arbejdslyst ,-) – og velbekomme, nu julekagen vel snart når frem til jer.

  • Congratulations to you both and your growing Clan at a very special time.

    I stumbled across your Blog a wee while ago via “The Scudder”.


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