Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Keeping track of the kids with JavaScript

Nardini’s is open again!
Originally uploaded by PhylB

I was speaking to my friend Sebastian on MSN the other day, and he complained that he found it hard to remember the kids’ ages and birthdays and so on.

I just know I would never remember to update a plain HTML page, so he suggested I should write a program instead.

So I did exactly that, in JavaScript.

The result is here.

It simply produces a plain table like this:

Name Age Birthday School year
Marcel 12 Will be 13 on Tue Jul 27 2010 Secondary 1
Charlotte 9 Will be 10 on Mon Jan 04 2010 Primary 5
Léon 3 Will be 4 on Tue Sep 29 2009 Preschool
Anna 1 Will be 2 on Sat Dec 19 2009 Will start antepreschool after 3rd birthday

Nothing fancy there, it’s just that it’s always up to date, so bookmark that page! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Keeping track of the kids with JavaScript

  • You never heard of the very simple Remind Me ? .,., Download free and your work is done !

  • But it’s not for me — it’s for my friends!

  • Linket virker da fint nok med www-præfikset. Eller er der problemer i din browser?


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