Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Long drawing and

Google Translate normally does a decent job of translating my Danish blog postings, but it didn’t do a very good job with my recent Christmas duck posting…

I’ve put it all below and highlighted the worst bits.

Langtidsstegning af and Long Drawing and
Min far og mig bruger hvert år denne opskrift fra dk.kultur.mad+drikke, når vi skal lave juleand (tak til Stig Bergmann): My father and I spent each year this recipe from soc.culture.laos when we do juleand (thanks to Stig Bergmann):
Ænder bør altid veje 3.000 gr og derover, der er ikke megen kød på mindre ænder. Ducks should always consider the 3000 degrees or more, there is not much meat on the smaller ducks.
Anden renses og gnides ind og udvendigt med salt og peber. Second cleaned and rubbed in and outside with salt and pepper.
Til fyld renser du og skære 3-4 æbler i skiver, det må gerne være Belle Boskop eller endnu bedre Cox Orange. To fill purifies you and cut 3-4 apples into slices, it must be like Belle Boskop or even better, Cox Orange.
Bland de skivede æbler med en håndfuld svedsker uden sten, luk anden med kødnåle. Mix the sliced apples with a handful of prunes without stones, close second with kødnåle.
Læg anden på bradenpanden, fuglen skal vende brystsiden nedad. Put the other on a roasting tin, the bird must turn breast side down.
Lad den stege i en 130 grader varm ovn i 4 timer. Let the roast in a hot oven 130 degrees for 4 hours.

Vend derefter dyret om og lad det stege færdig i 2 timer. Then turn on the animal and let it cook finished in 2 hours.
Den er nu så mør at den knapt skal parteres. It is so tender it barely be parties.
I år er jeg dog kommet for sent i gang, så jeg har været nødt til at skrue lidt op for temperaturen In the years have I come too late in time, so I had to screw up a bit of temperature.
Glædelig jul, i øvrigt! Merry Christmas, also!

One thought on “Long drawing and

  • Søren Harder

    Interesting. Brings me back to my days of statistical machine translation. We have some spurious homonymy ‘anden’ is probably much more frequent as ‘second’ than as ‘the duck’. Moreover we have the sad fact that Danes more often talk in English than about ducks; it interprets the Danish word ‘and’ (duck) as an occurrence of the the English word ‘and’.
    BTW: there is a congruence error ‘renser og skære’, which makes it more difficult to translate.


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