Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


The LibDems have a duty to make it work

Tim Gunn embroidery
Originally uploaded by Totally Severe

I’ve already argued that the LibDems made a huge error when they decided not to explore the possibility of a coalition with SNP in the Scottish Parliament and with Plaid and the Tories in the Welsh Assembly:

This is ridiculous! If they want to work only with Labour, why don’t they join Labour?

The same now applies in Westminster.

The LibDems keep saying that proportional representation is needed, and this will of course lead to many more coalition governments.

Because of this, the LibDems have a duty to demonstrate that coalitions can work.

To be concrete, they should do their very best to try and form a coalition with the Conservatives.

This is probably the only realistic option, given that Labour don’t have a majority together with the LibDems.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying they should enter a coalition with the Tories no matter what the terms are.

The important thing is that a coalition is explored thoroughly, and if it fails, it has to be because the Conservatives wouldn’t agree to reasonable terms, not because it’s easier to stand on the sidelines.

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