Being the god of kitchen plans
I once took a very interesting postgrad course in genetic algorithms (taught by Zbigniew Michalewicz), and since then it’s been
Read moreFormerly known as the Widmann Blog
I once took a very interesting postgrad course in genetic algorithms (taught by Zbigniew Michalewicz), and since then it’s been
Read moreLast time we visited my parents in the Tuscan village they’ve retired to, we got invited to dinner by two
Read moreNorway is in some regards at least 150 years ahead of Scotland: Until the mid-19th century Norwegians wrote standard Danish,
Read moreA while ago, Anna had to learn My Luve’s like a red, red rose by Rabbie Burns and she asked
Read moreI just discovered that Google have realised some videos that really show how revolutionary their self-driving cars will be. Have
Read moreDet danske folketingsvalg var ret spøjst set udefra. Medierne opførte sig, som om Danmark havde et topartisystem og flertalsvalg i
Read moreJeg blev bedt om at bede Robert Burns’ berømte Selkirk Grace på dansk til SNP Eastwoods 48. Burns Supper i
Read moreWhen I moved to Scotland and had to learn to understand the natives, I was of course aware of the
Read more(Rebloggit fae ma political blog..) In the 2011 census, 1,225,622 fowks indicatit that thay coud speak, read an write Scots,
Read moreAne o the mucklest differences atween auld an modren Scots is that the auld Scots grapheme <quh> /ʍ/ wis replacit
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