The future belongs to small and weird languages
Google Translate and other current machine translation programs are based on bilingual corpora, i.e., collections of translated texts. They translate
Read moreFormerly known as the Widmann Blog
Google Translate and other current machine translation programs are based on bilingual corpora, i.e., collections of translated texts. They translate
Read moreWe were all (re-)watching the Harry Potter films over the holidays, and at some point I suddenly noticed something I’d
Read moreIf Scots is a language – and it’s almost universally accepted today that this is the case – why is
Read moreJust to escape from all the Brexit madness, I read a couple of Wikipedia articles about the traditional East Asian
Read moreIt’s been revealed that the first person ever has been killed in a crash by a self-driving car: The 7
Read moreA few things I’ve read recently have convinced me that the average punter will never own a self-driving car. The
Read moreMin mormor ville være blevet 100 år i dag. Idith, som jeg altid kaldte hende (som ældste barnebarn ville jeg
Read moreThe #JeSuisCirconflexe shitstorm that is currently engulfing France is a reminder of how hard it is to implement an orthographic
Read moreI recently discovered Harry Turtledove’s “Hellenic Traders” series (written under the pseudonym Turteltaub). The four books follow two cousins from
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