Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Indvandrerne er velkomne her

Alex Salmond
Orig. uploaded by Saül Gordillo

Alex Salmond sagde flg. i Det skotske Parlament, da han var blevet genvalgt som førsteminister:

Now these voices of the past are joined in this chamber by the sound of 21st-century Scotland. The lyrical Italian of Marco Biagi. The formal Urdu of Humza Yousaf. The sacred Arabic of Hanzala Malik. We are proud to have those languages spoken here alongside English, Gaelic, Scots and Doric.

This land is their land, from the sparkling sands of the islands to the glittering granite of its cities. It belongs to all who choose to call it home. That includes new Scots who have escaped persecution or conflict in Africa or the Middle East. It means Scots whose forebears fled famine in Ireland and elsewhere.

That is who belongs here, but let us be clear also about what does not belong here. As the song tells us, for Scotland to flourish then “Let us be rid of those bigots and fools / Who will not let Scotland, live and let live.”

Our new Scotland is built on the old custom of hospitality. We offer a hand that is open to all, whether they hail from England, Ireland, Pakistan or Poland.”

Kunne man forestille sig en dansk statsminister sige det samme i det 21. århundrede, eller er Danmark blevet for xenofobisk? 🙁

4 thoughts on “Indvandrerne er velkomne her

  • Jens S. Larsen

    Danmark har alle dage (eller siden 1864) været alt for åndeligt småtskåret. Det er mere dét, end xenofobien i sig selv, der er problemet.

  • Ja, det har du ganske givet ret i. Men du vil vel give mig ret i, at Salmonds tale ikke vil blive holdt i dansk oversættelse af den danske statsminister?

  • Jens S. Larsen

    Det er jeg i høj grad enig i. Min pointe er bare at sådan har det altid været, også i den periode da der var en udmærket stemning i Danmark med hensyn til at byde nye medborgere udefra velkommen. Landet er betydeligt mindre i sine indbyggeres bevidsthed end det er rent geografisk.


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