I’ve been saying for ages that deflation isn’t an issue in the UK, and now that inflation is rising again,
Read moreFormerly known as the Widmann Blog
Exclusión Originally uploaded by SlapBcn The EU (or rather, the EEC) started out as a way for countries to cooperate,
Read moreTo Many Cheetahs Originally uploaded by Picture Taker 2 People who oppose proportional representation often imagine that all you’d get
Read moreWorking for UK Originally uploaded by jepoirrier En af mine danske venner spurgte mig for nogle uger siden om forskellen
Read moreEU border control… Originally uploaded by rockcohen Eurosceptics often claim that Norway and Switzerland provide a model for what the
Read moreCake decorated by the kids Originally uploaded by Matt Ryall If I can trust WordPress’s post counting mechanism, this is
Read moreKender I alle Krister, der altid taler i palindromer? En af seriens to forfattere har skrevet et virkeligt interessant blogindlæg
Read moreKender I alle Krister, der altid taler i palindromer? En af seriens to forfattere har skrevet et virkeligt interessant blogindlæg
Read moreIreland has passed the second referendum Originally uploaded by infomatique Since midnight, the Lisbon Treaty has become part of the
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