Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


Move completed!

House Move – 26.jpg
Originally uploaded by studio-d

I’ve finally completed moving this blog from to the new address,

I didn’t just change the address, but I also moved it to a different hosting company, Prime Hosting, and I switched from using Blogger to running my own WordPress installation.

I’m sure quite a few things aren’t working perfectly yet – in particular, I’m a bit anxious as to how the redirect from the old site will work – but I hope most readers will appreciate the new site.

For a start, I think the new site looks better, and there are nice new features on the right, such as a label cloud and a nice calendar. Also, the search works much better.

Please let me know whether you’re missing any features from the old site, and any other ideas for improvement!

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