Denseman on the Rattis

Formerly known as the Widmann Blog


New camera

Lying on the grass
Originally uploaded by PhylB

Our beloved Sony ?100 started falling apart and we had to send it in to a repair shop.

At the same time, I noticed that a shop in Hong Kong called DigitalRev was selling cameras to the UK at a much lower price than shops based here, so I ordered a 350 to supplement the old camera.

It arrived Friday, and we’re now starting to get results.

Look at this photo that Phyllis took of Anna and me: Not only is it in 16:9, but it’s taken from a bug’s perspective, something which the tilting live preview screen makes it easy to do. Note also the resolution – it’s 4592 x 2576!

The only annoying thing about the 350 compared to the 100 is that the flash pops up automatically when the camera thinks it’s needed. I much preferred the 100’s flash that you had to pull up manually when you needed it.

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