Our new Weber grill
Till now, we’ve restricted ourselves to disposable barbecues from Lidl, but they are a pain – too small and useless if there’s any wind at all.
So recently I decided to invest in a proper Weber grill and chimney starter
Because of bad weather, we didn’t get a chance to try it out till now, but today Charlotte and I finally got it fired up.
There was a bit of wind, so our first attempt at using the chimney starter didn’t work out. We then moved it to a more sheltered part of the garden, and it then worked beautifully: Two crumbled newspaper pages and one match was all it took to start a beautiful fire.
The grill also worked really well, although the fairly large distance between coals and food meant it took a while to cook. I also think the manual’s specification of the number of briquettes needed was too low – I found it hard to use the whole cooking area.
But all in all it worked well, and its height made it possible for both Charlotte and me to cook on it.